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Hi, I'm Nadha. I'm a Postdoctoral Fellow focused on research and action at the intersections of public health x public urban space x intersectional anti-racism.

My body of work focuses on community-engaged research as an avenue to improve health equity in built and natural environments. I work to co-produce knowledge to catalyze social change in public space

My research and community work is informed by my intersectional lived experience, interdisciplinary education, and diverse work experience. I share the stories and realities of racialized and other marginalized communities towards equitably health-promoting environments.

Photo credit: HZD Photography

If you'd like to connect, I'm on LinkedIn. Or send me an email to collaborate.

Find my work on Google Scholar, ResearchGate or Scopus.


Ph.D. in Environmental Studies (2023)

Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, York University

Master of Public Health (2015) 

Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto  |  Specialization: Social and Behavioural Health Sciences (Health Promotion)

Honours Bachelor of Science (2011) 

University of Toronto | Major: Architectural Studies  (Design Concentration) Minors: Environment & Science, Biology