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Let Me Be Sad

October 20, 2014

Do not tell me to cheer up or say that I should not be sad. Do not place a time limit on my healing or say that I should be back to normal by now. Do not tell me to be happy or thankful or hopeful and do not tell me to just relax. Please, do not tell me to do anything.

It is simple. Just let me be sad.

You could offer suggestions. Would you like to go for a walk? Do you want to go out and get a coffee? If I say that I don’t feel up to it, please, let it go. Please, try to understand.

You could ask me what I feel like doing. I feel like taking another nap. Please, let me take another nap.

It is simple. Just let me be sad.

You can say that I’m allowed to be sad. Because I am. You can say that I can take all the time I need. Because I should. You can say that you will be around for me. Because you will. You can say that you love me. Because you do.

Do not try to make me laugh. Because if I don’t, we’ll both feel bad. Do not assume that you know my body better than I do. Do not assume that you know what is good for me. Do not ask me to try this or try doing that.

Instead, just let me be sad.

You can offer hugs and you can offer to listen. You can still include me in plans or invite me to events. I may or may not take you up on it, but I will appreciate it nonetheless.

Now I hope you know, to just let It Is Rainingme be sad.